Monday, June 14, 2010


Latitude & Longitude: 49°15'N 123°10'W (1)
Population: 2, 116, 581 (2)
Population Density: 735.6 km² (2)
Landforms: Western Cordillera (3)
Climate: Pacific Maritime (3)
Ecozone: Pacific Maritime (3)
National Parks: Mount Revelstoke National Park (4)
Industries: mining, forestry, biotech, film, and software (5)

Day 1

My family and I are now in our final city for our trip and are looking forward to the destinations we have planned. Today we will be visiting Stanley Park, Prospect Point Lookout, and the Greater Vancouver Zoo. Stanley Park was the most relaxing place we’ve gone the whole vacation! My family and I rented bicycles and rode around the park for a long time. The views of the sea were gorgeous. Before we went to Stanley Park we had gone to the grocery store and picked up a few things to have a picnic at the park. (6) Our second adventure for the day was going to Prospect Point Lookout. It is in Stanley Park but in the far corner. We enjoyed dessert here; ice cream and homemade fudge! (7) Our next trip for the day was going to the Greater Vancouver Zoo. My grandparents were also in Vancouver visiting friends so we went to the zoo with them. It was fun. We saw many exotic birds, cats and reptiles. We saw four endangered species at the zoo; Oregon Spotted Frog, Pere David Deer, Scimitar-Horned Oryx, and the Siberian Tiger who the workers cared about very much. While there, we went on two train rides. The Safari Express Train and the Wilds Safari Bus Tour. I preferred the Wilds Safari Tour
because we actually got to go into the enclosure that the animals were in, as opposed to the other train ride which was just around the perimeter of the zoo. (8) My grandparents, their friends, and my family all went to eat dinner at the Mosaic Bar and Grille. (9) My grandparents’ friends recommended it and told us it’s fabulous! They were absolutely right. The service was great and so was the food!

Day 2

Today is our final day of the amazing trip we’ve been on and I find myself depressed! I had such a great time and I don’t want to leave yet. But I have to put that aside for now as we have a busy day ahead of us. Today our destinations include Grouse Mountain, Robson Square, and the Harbour Centre Tower. Grouse Mountain was our first stop on the list and it was beautiful. I’ve been saying that a lot but it truly is spectacular. I was happy to see that Grouse Mountain protects the wildlife that is around them; the grizzly bears and grey wolves. The view from the top of the mountain was quite the sight. You can see everything; the city to the entire mainland! Of course we were there on a cloudless day. (10) After sight seeing and snapping photographs we went to the Altitudes Bistro. I enjoyed their “famous Grouse Mountain nachos” which were really yummy. (11) After a great lunch we headed to Robson Square. Going to Robson Square was exciting because I watched all kinds of people on television parade around there during the Olympics! On the early morning shows they were always mentioning things that were going on in Robson Square. I obviously knew it wouldn’t be as busy but I was still looking forward to it a lot! Robson Square was really neat. Good architectural designs in the buildings and great stores like Lululemon! My mom and I did a little bit more shopping which was awesome! Our last place for the day was going to Harbour Centre Tower. We were going to go here during the day but we heard that it’s prettier at night; and of course it was! We had a guided tour where I learned that the tower was founded by Neil Armstrong in 1977. (12) So our trip was up and boy was that last look at Vancouver wonderful. I had a spectacular trip and want to do it all over again!

That’s it for now but don’t worry, I will be back home soon!

(3) Making Connections 9 textbook

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