Saturday, June 12, 2010


Latitude & Longitude: 46°30'N 80°58'W (1)
Population:158, 258 (2) Population Density: 46.8 km² (2)
Landforms: Canadian Shield (3)
Climate: Boreal (3)
Ecozone: Boreal Shield (3)
National Parks:Georgian Bay Islands National Park (4)
Industries: mining, government, business, social services, education, media, medicine and other professional services. (5)

Day 1

Yesterday was a travel day. It took my family and I nine hours to get from Montréal to Sudbury. We are staying at the Parker House Inn, which isn’t nearly as nice as Le Saint James but it will have to do! (6) Today our first destination was going to Science North. We spent a good solid 5 hours there. It was absolutely fabulous! The one thing I really liked about the museum was that you could touch almost anything. It wasn’t like other museums in the sense that they really wanted you to touch, learn, and observe everything there. My favourite part of the visit was the INCO Cavern which looks like an underground tunnel that actually leads you to the museum.(7) There was also a really neat Special Dinosaur Unearthed Exhibit that we explored.
(8)The rest of the night was spent finding dinner and going to the theatre. We went to Kelsey’s for dinner and then headed up to Theatre Cambrian to see West Side Story! (9)My brother and I had never seen West Side Story so we were pretty excited. I'm a dancer so I really enjoyed the show because there is a lot of dance in it. After the show we were quite tired and were excited for another day in

Day 2

Our second day in Sudbury consisted of going to Dynamic Earth, A.Y. Jackson Lookout, and Sudbury Downs. Dynamic Earth was extremely informative. There was an underground tour that brought you through mine shafts of different time periods so you really got a chance to appreciate how mining has changed over the past 100 years. (10) We also saw the “Big Nickel” which was neat but not as great as I thought. I learned that it was built in 1964 to show how much Sudbury contributed to nickel production. (11) The tour guides were enthusiastic and overall very kind. Our next adventure for the day was visiting the A.Y. Jackson Lookout. I was dying to see this because I had studied the Group of Seven’s artwork in class and knew a lot about them. We actually printed off the painting that A.Y. Jackson had painted of the site. The place that he painted was stunning.
It was even more beautiful in person. Our next and final destination was going to see the Sudbury Downs. (12) It began at 7:15pm and was really entertaining. My dad was the one who was excited about this and thoroughly enjoyed it. Overall we had a fantastic time in

That’s it for now, but I’ll be sure to keep you posted when I get to Edmonton!

(3) Making Connections 9 textbook

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