Monday, June 7, 2010


Latitude & Longitude: 44°38'N 63°35'W (1)
Population: 372, 858 (2)
Population Density: 67.8 km² (2)
Landforms: Appalachians (3)
Climate: Atlantic Maritime (3)
Ecozone: Atlantic Maritime (3)
National Park: Kejimkujik National Park (4)
Industries: Agriculture, fishing, mining, forestry, natural gas extraction, and manufacturing. (5)

Day 1

My family and I are finally in Halifax after our 21 hour drive! (6)We’re staying at the Radisson Suite Hotel, which happens to be around the corner from our first destination. We went to The Wooden Monkey for lunch. It took us forever to find a place that everyone in my family liked. Let’s just say that my brother is a very picky eater! I ended up getting the Roast Chicken and Pesto Sandwich, it was delicious. (7) Finally we were on our way to what I was really looking forward to, The Maritime Museum of the Atlantic. It was absolutely fantastic! We were there for 3 hours exploring and learning. My favourite exhibit was the “Halifax Explosion” which was all about two ships that collided in the harbour on December 16, 1917. They had tons of photographs, artifacts, and models on it. (8) Our second trip for the day was visiting Murphy’s On the Water. We went on the Lobster’s & Lighthouse Tour which was really neat. We went past three different lighthouses and they even caught a lobster to teach us about the East Coast life. (9) Our final activity for the day was Privateers Wharf which we explored after dinner. They ha
d many cute little shops. My mom even purchased a white and blue purse. It was a great day and I was really looking forward to the next!

Day 2

Our second day in Halifax was jam-packed and full of fun. Our first memorable destination
for the day was going to Pier 21. Pier 21 is where immigrants coming from all over the world would be transported before making their way to other Canadian cities to live. The late 1940’s to early 1950’s was the busiest time for Pier 21 because of the many refugees coming into the country illegally. (10) It was truly an exceptional place. The tour guides told so many stories that broke my heart and put in prospective the lives that these people lived. It was very well displayed; I could have stayed there all day! Our next adventure for the day was going to Peggy’s Cove. It took us about 1 hour to get there, but boy was it worth it when we did. I can truthfully say that it is one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever been to. While there we saw St. John’s Anglican Church which was built in 1753! It is one of the oldest English origin churches in Canada. (11) At the church we met the organist, who my dad was very interested to talk to because he plays the organ as well. Her name was Barbara Butler and she was saying that they have many regular guests who come for Sunday services. She was extremely kind and even gave us a free tour. After another hour on the road we were back in Halifax and ready to hit our last place: The Waterfront. They have a restaurant there as well, so that’s where we ate dinner. I had Atlantic Smoked Salmon with a Tomato & Bocconcini salad. (12) As it was getting dark we walked along The Waterfront and took in the Atlantic Maritime air. I felt almost depressed as the sun was setting because I had such a great time and didn’t want to leave!

That’s it for now, but I’ll be sure to keep you posted when we get to Montreal!

(3) Making Connections 9 textbook

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